Happy Farmily

What Motivates You?

Episode Summary

The power of goals in shaping your life and effective strategies for actually achieving them.

Episode Notes

New year, new beginnings. We have all heard this saying a thousand times before.

But while we all go into the new year with new aspirations, dreams, and goals, are we truly committed to them? Do we really know what gets us out of bed each morning, propelling us into the day with purpose and enthusiasm? Are we prepared to do what it takes to reach our goals?

When we started our homestead journey, this is how it went for us: Yeah, we moved to a farm, we can do all these wonderful things! Jared, please build me a chicken coop. Oh, wait, I think we need a few animal shelters for the alpacas. Or maybe we should start our garden beds. No, actually, put in our fruit trees first.

See where we’re going with this? We had so many plans and ideas but no clearly set goals and a plan of action on how to accomplish them.

And this is often the case with our personal dreams, aspirations, and goals.

Join us, Jared and Annette, as we explore the motivations that fuel ambitions, the power of goals in shaping lives, and effective strategies for setting your goals and actually achieving them.

At the end of this episode, you’ll be clearer than you have ever been on how to finally reach your goals and make you excited about the year ahead!

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