Happy Farmily

How To Silence Your Inner Critic

Episode Summary

We are what we think - the brain believes what we tell it - for better or for worse. King Solomon says it best - “As a man thinks, so is he.” How are your thoughts or inner critical voices affecting your life?

Episode Notes

85% of Americans struggle with self-doubt, the feeling that they don't feel enough about some aspect of their lives or themselves. Are you part of this 85%? Do you have an inner critical voice that holds you back or makes you believe you are not good enough? We sure do!

In this podcast episode, we journey into the depths of self-criticism, a challenge that impacts the lives of so many, including us. We'll explore how self-doubt and anxiety can cast a shadow over our mental and physical well-being.

We share our personal stories of wrestling with our inner critics and how, through vulnerability and introspection, we discovered the toxic nature of this self-doubt and the pivotal step of unmasking its origins to reclaim control over our lives.

Together, we'll uncover practical strategies for liberation—embracing intentional living, fostering gratitude, and cultivating forgiveness. These tools have been game-changers in our journey of silencing the inner critic and finding a path to fulfillment and joy. 

We also love to hear from you! Ask us anything about this topic. And if you don’t mind, we will share and discuss it anonymously on this podcast with fellow listeners! Text your question or message to (310) 879-8441.

If you like this episode and know of someone who needs to hear it, help us get this message out to improve people’s personal lives and foster healthy relationships!


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